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Frequently Asked Questions about AngelsH2O

AngelsH2O is used for water treatment in many countries around the world including the United States, Haiti, Canada, China and parts of Africa. AngelsH2O has been certified in the United States by the Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) for use in public drinking water systems, waste water systems, agriculture, irrigation systems, fish production, and swimming pools.

The active ingredient in AngelsH2O is Copper II (Cu++). Copper is an essential mineral and nutrient needed by the human body. When used in small doses, such as with AngelsH2O treatment, copper is in no way harmful to plants, animals or humans.

No. AngelsH2O will do the same thing wherever it is used, whether it be a pond or water system. AngelsH2O is an effective algaecide/bactericide in any body of water. No harmful chemical compounds are produced by the copper when it kills micro-organisms.

Any residual copper would be well below the daily recommended intake level of 0.1 mg per 10 pounds of body weight. Fish farmers use AngelsH2O to keep fish healthy and eating regularly, thereby increasing the quality of the meat.

Like any product, AngelsH2O will need to be administered routinely. However, because of AngelsH2O’s ability to stay suspended in the water, treatment is needed much less often than with other chemicals. Depending on the quality of the water, AngelsH2O will stay in suspension and continue to kill bacteria and algae until all the copper ions have been used up. After initial treatment, pools, ponds, and water systems can be maintained as little as once every 30 – 45 days. Stored water, such as in a tank or bottle, may not need to be retreated for up to 6 months.

To be effective, copper sulfate must first dissolve in water. If conditions are not favorable, the copper sulfate may not totally dissolve and instead sink to the bottom of the body of water. When this happens, copper sulfate actually becomes a pollutant and can have harmful consequences, such as a fish kill. In contrast, AngelsH2O is effective as an algaecide and bactericide immediately upon application. Additionally, AngelsH2O is self-dispersing and will not result in high concentrations of copper sinking to the bottom of the body of water.

Chlorine is a contact disinfectant. It must be manually mixed into the water to kill bacteria. Chlorine is a known carcinogen (cancer-causing compound) and can create toxic byproducts during treatment. Chlorine treatment also results in offensive taste and odor in potable water. In contrast, AngelsH2O does not need to be manually mixed. The copper ions in AngelsH2O are actually attracted to bacteria and algae. AngelsH2O is safe to handle and treatment does not result in toxic byproducts. Additionally. AngelsH2O treatment does not add any offensive taste or odor to potable water.

Use AngelsH2O for your health. AngelsH2O destroys bacteria known to cause waterborne illness. For example, AngelsH2O is effective in fighting cholera, E. coli, and salmonella. AngelsH2O also prevents the growth of harmful algae in water, like Blue-green algae (also known as Cyanophyta). Cyanophyta will not only make people sick, but also causes taste and odor issues. AngelsH2O removes these organisms without creating toxic or cancer-causing compounds, as chlorine or oxidation treatment can.